Our Collection
Northwest Carriage Museum
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The Northwest Carriage Museum opened in 2002 as the result of a generous donation of 21 vehicles from the Dennis Family. Over the years, the collection and supporting artifacts have grown under the direction of the Curator, Jerry Bowman and Executive Director, Laurie Bowman.
Several original vehicles were used in movie classics from the early 1900’s. Come take your picture with Belle Watling’s carriage from “Gone With the Wind” or Shirley Temple’s carriage from “The Little Princess.” Do you like westerns? Come see the stagecoach used during the filming of “Virginia City” with Errol Flynn and Humphrey Bogart.
The majority of the vehicles in our magnificent collection are from the 1880 through 1890 period of time. During that time frame, the average wage for a man was about $400 per year. Most people could not afford our prestigious C-Spring Dress Landau which cost about $1500 in 1895 but our Studebaker Buggy, at about $45, was in high demand and very popular for many folks.
When you visit, don’t forget to push the button on the 1890 Springfield Chuck Wagon and have a listen to the ole’ cook talkin’ about life out on the trail……what’s a “whisper berry?”