Museum Membership


Members receive:

  • Enhanced regular newsletters to let you know what the museum is doing and how your donations are helping keep history alive
  • Personal Guided Tours
  • A 10% Discount in the Gift Shop
  • Discounts at 30+ Businesses
  • FREE Admission:
    • Driver: 1 Admission
    • Pioneer: 2 Admissions
    • Wheelwright: 4 Admissions
    • Coach Club: 6 Admissions
    • Trail Boss: 8 Admissions

Your membership is greatly appreciated and is tax-deductible.


SKU: memb Category:

Why should you become a supporter of the museum? It’s simple—we need you! The Northwest Carriage Museum is a non-profit organization dedicated to keeping history alive for future generations, educating about horse-drawn transportation, and enriching our community.

And we need your help to keep going.

The museum brings thousands and thousands of tourists to our small community every year. These visitors enjoy the museum and they also patronize other local businesses, supporting our area with their stay! When you support the Northwest Carriage Museum you support the people who live and work in our community.

Our lights are kept on by admission, gift shop sales, memberships, and generous donations. We could not possibly continue without the support that our members give us, and so we like to give back to our members whenever we can!

There are many ways for you to offer support to the Museum: visit, become a member, become a Friend of the Museum, and/or leave a bequest in your will or living trust. Your membership is greatly appreciated and tax-deductible.

In 2021 we began our "Show Your Card and Save" program. We reached out to our business members and created a program that will benefit everyone! If you show your membership card at the 30+ participating local and regional businesses, you can enjoy a variety of discounts! We're so excited to be working together with the businesses in our community and beyond.

Membership Type

Driver, Pioneer, Wheelwright, Coach Club, Trail Boss


$30, $40, $50, $100, $150